Friday, September 30, 2011


So I was just on here and decided to make a post since I haven't in a while.

Hi! :)

Why is it so easy to fall behind in school...

now you say, "That is a question that has vexed philosophers for centuries. Go ask your dad."

then I leave, saying, "I'm done making this random post. I should really go catch up in school."

The end!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Eucharist

After the blessing he took the Lord's Body and beckoned to Bors to come forward. He obeyed, and knelt before the priest, who said to him:

"Bors, do you see what I am holding?"

"Yes indeed, Sir. I see that you are holding my Saviour and Redeemer under the guise of bread. I should not be looking on Him in this wise were it not that my eyes, being mortal clay, and thus unapt to discern the things of the spirit, do not permit my seeing Him any other way, but rather cloak His true appearance.

For I have no doubt that what I look on now is truly flesh and truly man and wholly God."

At these words he was overmastered by weeping, and the good man said to him:

"You would surely be insensate if you received so holy a thing as you describe, without manifesting your love and loyalty all the rest of your living days."

"Sir," affirmed Bors, "while I live He shall have my whole allegiance, and I will ever do as He commands."

Then the hermit gave him the host, and he received it with great devotion, and knew such joy and bliss that he thought no circumstance would have the power to gall him ever again.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I think getting to know people consists of more than just talking to them. In fact, I think it's almost better getting to know people by doing things with them than by just talking to them.
For example, in my Irish Dance class, there is this girl who I'm friends with. For the first couple of months we hardly said a word to each other - we just danced together and smiled at each other. And for some reason she and I always wound up being partners in all of our dances. We found out each other's names by hearing our teacher call them out in roll call.
Finally, a few months into the school year, we started talking to each other. We said hi when we walked in, sat next to each other on the floor during our water breaks, and gave each other advice in the dance, such as holding our arms higher or moving in a certain way. She noticed my rosary bracelet and asked if I was Catholic. Turns out she is too.
Half-way through the year, my parents got to meet her. She said she'd help me find my earrings when I lost them. I let her borrow my sock glue. We were already such good friends, although we knew practically nothing about each other.
Just a week ago she found out I homeschool and have 7 siblings. Our friendship hasn't lessened.

While certain details and information about people's home/personal life do matter, most of those things are passing, and I think if you base your friendship off of those little things it won't be very strong. To really be friends with someone, you need to work with that person, play, rest, and pray with him. Talking is good too, of course, but I just don't think it's the only/best way to make a friendship grow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

< 3

I woke up to the most beautiful sky this morning, with the sun shining out above the roof of the house next to us and into my window, and the clouds all golden with sunlight in the soft clear blue sky. Not to mention the fact that I felt well-rested and much better than I had yesterday. And then I get to stay home by myself and clean the kitchen in silence, and play the piano with no one around to make me feel self-conscious, and then Pandora plays a song I love.

God must love me.

Now I have to write this essay though. Oh well. It must just be another sign of God's love for me. ...somehow. I'm not sure exactly how. but it must be, because everything God does is because He loves me. So I'll write it as best I can to show Him how much I love Him in return.

Heaven meets Earth like an unforseen kiss
And my heart beats violently inside of my chest
When I think about the way..
He loves us
Oh how He loves us
How He loves us all

< 3

Thursday, February 10, 2011