I think I'll just start this off without any sort of introduction, otherwise I'd never get to the point.
So the point.
It's very interesting sometimes to watch your train of thought. I did that earlier today, when I should have been reading biology so that I'll be able to answer people's questions tomorrow (assuming they're not like normal people who never have questions). Anyway, I was sitting on the couch upstairs reading bio, and I came to the word "asci", and I read the pronunciation, but I could never seem to get it right. To this minute, I still read it as "ask-ee," when the book says to pronounce it "ask-eye."
So I said it over and over in my head, and then I realized that it sounded like, "Ask Guy."
So here goes my train of thought...
Oh, Guy, like my Love's brother.
Oh, my Love's brother, like Andrew.
Oh, and my Love calls him Louie.
Oh, Louie, like Lou Costello.
Oh, Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Duke and the Great Pie Wars, that veggie tales movie with the joke about Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Sweet Sweet Petunia, the girl in Duke and the Great Pie Wars.
Oh, that other veggie tales movie, Minnesota Cuke, that has the same Petunia girl in it.
Oh, that Petunia girl's Malta Malts shop.
Oh, Knights of Malta.
Hey, Dr. O talked about the Knights of Malta today!
I just love the things he says. "Give up on History, it's a sad story."-Dr.O
Heck, he's right, people should focus on Biology more!
Ohhhhh right... biology... *reads more about phylum Ascomycota*
Thus ends my train of thought.
If you didn't follow any of that... it's okay. I very well might be the only person who can understand all that, besides God and my Guardian Angel and all. I think I made it understandable enough, though.
So, have a good night, and welcome to my blog. :)
where the woozle is the like button for posts when you need them? XD