Sooooo I get my braces off in like two or three weeks. And I'm so excited. I've been waiting for that news since January. 'Cause I was suppooosed to only have them for a year and a half max, which would have ended in February or earlier. But then the dentist kept having to extend it.. he was like, "Okay, so you'll be done by May." May comes around... "They'll probably be out by September at the latest." September comes around... nothing happens.
But now I'm finally just a few weeks from getting them out!!! Hoorayyyyy!!!!!!
Oh yes, and I'm being Alice in Wonderland for Halloween. It's gonna be awesome. I'm altering an old bridesmaid dress my mom wore when she was 16 to her sister's wedding (putting the little juliett sleeves on it and stuff), and it has like the perfect skirt and it's almost the same color blue as Alice's, and I'm gonna curl my hair, and my mom wants me to carry around our bunny, but I don't think I'm gonna do that...... unless I put it on a leash or something. And the best part IS, I don't have to do any make up or anything becauuuse Alice seems to have a way of always looking tired, and I happen to always look tired too. *g*
I must get back to class. And drinking my hot chocolate. Oh wait, no, I finished that. ...*sniff* I should have my slave sister go get me some more. *evil grin* LOUIIIIISAAAA GO GET ME SOME MORE HOT CHOCOLATE.
...I guess that would be more effective if I actually said it out loud, instead of just typing it. Unless she's looking at my blog right now. But I don't think she is. Oh well.
Okay, I'm leaving you all now for my Algebra. ewwwww.
Ciao! (:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Odyssey

So we're reading The Odyssey now, and I'm actually rather enjoying it. Not that I'm reading it (heavens, no!*), but I'm getting the main story line by doing the quizzes and listening to the class discussions, and it's quite interesting. Plus, I've watched the CCC movie a bunch of times... if that even counts. Although, they call him Ulysses in that movie, and he's Odysseus in my book. Translations, translations. Why can't they all just be the same? Well, it would be boring if they were all the same, I guess.
Btw, the PJO (Percy Jackson and the Olympians. the books they made the movie off of. which btw I heard was lame and not worth the watch.) series is pretty good, for those of you who haven't read it yet. And it helps a ton when it comes to these myths and gods and goddesses... (There's a part in one of the books where they meet Circe, and it really helps you remember who Circe is and the fact that she likes turning men into animals. *nod*) Good books. So long as you keep in mind that it's completely fiction. And of course, I don't entirely agree with the teenage dating at the end... but if you just overlook that.... it's good! :)
*okay, so reading the book is a really good thing to do, and I'm not trying to discourage that....... it's just that I really never have the time nor the motivation to read it, and if I can get an A in the class and be able to participate in the discussions without reading it, I think I'll just pass on the reading. For now, at least.
(Yes, that picture is me with my Odyssey book. :) Isn't it beautiful? Okay, no, not really. Stop me now before I get creepily attached to it, like I do to my computer and dissection specimens. That probably wouldn't turn out too well. Besides, you don't want me going around saying, "MY ODYSSEY BOOKKKK!!! I LOVE YOUUU!!", do you now?)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My new favorite word:
Defenestration - the act of throwing a person or thing out of a window.
Defenestration - the act of throwing a person or thing out of a window.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Way My Mind Works
I think I'll just start this off without any sort of introduction, otherwise I'd never get to the point.
So the point.
It's very interesting sometimes to watch your train of thought. I did that earlier today, when I should have been reading biology so that I'll be able to answer people's questions tomorrow (assuming they're not like normal people who never have questions). Anyway, I was sitting on the couch upstairs reading bio, and I came to the word "asci", and I read the pronunciation, but I could never seem to get it right. To this minute, I still read it as "ask-ee," when the book says to pronounce it "ask-eye."
So I said it over and over in my head, and then I realized that it sounded like, "Ask Guy."
So here goes my train of thought...
Oh, Guy, like my Love's brother.
Oh, my Love's brother, like Andrew.
Oh, and my Love calls him Louie.
Oh, Louie, like Lou Costello.
Oh, Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Duke and the Great Pie Wars, that veggie tales movie with the joke about Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Sweet Sweet Petunia, the girl in Duke and the Great Pie Wars.
Oh, that other veggie tales movie, Minnesota Cuke, that has the same Petunia girl in it.
Oh, that Petunia girl's Malta Malts shop.
Oh, Knights of Malta.
Hey, Dr. O talked about the Knights of Malta today!
I just love the things he says. "Give up on History, it's a sad story."-Dr.O
Heck, he's right, people should focus on Biology more!
Ohhhhh right... biology... *reads more about phylum Ascomycota*
Thus ends my train of thought.
If you didn't follow any of that... it's okay. I very well might be the only person who can understand all that, besides God and my Guardian Angel and all. I think I made it understandable enough, though.
So, have a good night, and welcome to my blog. :)
So the point.
It's very interesting sometimes to watch your train of thought. I did that earlier today, when I should have been reading biology so that I'll be able to answer people's questions tomorrow (assuming they're not like normal people who never have questions). Anyway, I was sitting on the couch upstairs reading bio, and I came to the word "asci", and I read the pronunciation, but I could never seem to get it right. To this minute, I still read it as "ask-ee," when the book says to pronounce it "ask-eye."
So I said it over and over in my head, and then I realized that it sounded like, "Ask Guy."
So here goes my train of thought...
Oh, Guy, like my Love's brother.
Oh, my Love's brother, like Andrew.
Oh, and my Love calls him Louie.
Oh, Louie, like Lou Costello.
Oh, Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Duke and the Great Pie Wars, that veggie tales movie with the joke about Abbot and Costello.
Oh, Sweet Sweet Petunia, the girl in Duke and the Great Pie Wars.
Oh, that other veggie tales movie, Minnesota Cuke, that has the same Petunia girl in it.
Oh, that Petunia girl's Malta Malts shop.
Oh, Knights of Malta.
Hey, Dr. O talked about the Knights of Malta today!
I just love the things he says. "Give up on History, it's a sad story."-Dr.O
Heck, he's right, people should focus on Biology more!
Ohhhhh right... biology... *reads more about phylum Ascomycota*
Thus ends my train of thought.
If you didn't follow any of that... it's okay. I very well might be the only person who can understand all that, besides God and my Guardian Angel and all. I think I made it understandable enough, though.
So, have a good night, and welcome to my blog. :)
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